How You Can Undergo Treatment for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

How You Can Undergo Treatment for Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

May 3, 2021
Snoring has no severe implications on your health, but you need to seek treatment if it becomes disruptive. Obstructive sleep apnea halts your breath during sleep and has potential risks to your overall wellbeing. The sleep disorder causes your airway muscles to relax intermittently, blocking air openings during sleep. Various snoring and sleep apnea solutions are available for your treatment, and your specialist can determine the ideal option for you based on your condition. Your doctor can use specialized devices to keep your airways open and ensure free air passage into your airways as you sleep. Surgery can be performed if your condition is severe.

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring occurs when air flows into your throat as you breathe during sleep. Inhalation of air causes relaxed throat tissues to vibrate and cause snoring. Snoring can be an indicator of severe underlying health conditions, including:
  • Blocked airways
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Obesity
  • Nose, mouth, or throat structural issues
OSA is a sleep disorder that leads to an involuntary cessation of breath as you sleep. Blockage of your airways during sleep causes breath stoppage causing you to gasp for breath. At our snoring and sleep apnea treatment center, we diagnose the following types of sleep apnea disorders:
  • Central sleep apnea may occur due to the brain’s failure to send a signal to your muscle that controls breathing.
  • OSA occurs when your soft throat tissues relax and block your airways during sleep leading to interrupted breathing and intense snoring
  • Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome refers to a combination of both OSA and central sleep apnea.

Signs and Symptoms Associated With OSA

It would be ideal for visiting the snoring and sleeping apnea treatment center near you if you experience the following:
  • Loud snoring
  • Morning headache
  • Loss of concentration during the day
  • Having a sore throat or dry mouth after
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Gasping for breath during sleep
  • High blood pressure
Once you visit us at ENT in Palm Beach, 33458, we’ll help manage your condition and ensure your everyday life is restored.

OSA and Snoring Risk factors

There are various risk factors associated with snoring and OSA. Dr. Mark T. Agrama may recommend you to seek medical treatment if you experience the following:
  • Hereditary acquisition of the disorder from your family
  • Being obese can potentially lead to intense snoring.
  • Having a narrowed airway large tonsils or a loft soft palate
  • Excessive intake of alcohol relaxes your airway muscles and leads to snoring.
  • Nasal problems including congestion or a deviated septum
Loud snoring leaves you chronically tired, irritable and deprived of sleep. It’s crucial to seek medical attention on how to stop snoring immediately.

Snoring and OSA Treatment Options

At South Florida ENT Associates, we may recommend you to undergo treatment for snoring and OSA by making changes to your lifestyle. Continuous positive airway pressure or mandibular advancement devices may be applicable based on your disorder type.
  • Mandibular advancement devices are placed on your mouth as you sleep to lower your jaw forward and keep your airway open. The mandibular repositioning devices are vital in the treatment of mild or moderate OSA. Your specialist customizes a device that takes the impression of your lower and upper teeth. It would be best to seek your doctor’s help on stopping snoring immediately by using the devices.
  • Continuous positive airway pressure is vital in the treatment of moderate to severe sleep apnea disorder. CPAP is applicable for the treatment of mild OSA if your symptoms affect your overall wellbeing and alternative treatment options have a failure to aid in managing your condition.
The CPAP machine directs air into your airway through a mask that you wear as you sleep. It holds your airway open and allows air at moderate pressure into your upper airway, preventing it from narrowing or collapsing. It’s essential to follow instructions on putting on your mask and ensure it’s always clean to ensure your treatment is effective. A surgical operation can help you manage your sleep disorder if you have nasal polyps, enlarged tonsils, or adenoids. Surgery is done if your condition is severe and the other treatment options are not sufficient.  Your specialist can determine the ideal snoring and sleep apnea solutions for your state.