Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasal Polyps

Diagnosis and Treatment of Nasal Polyps

November 1, 2019
Up to four percent of the population is affected by nasal polyps, with the condition being more common in men than in women. It presents itself as fleshy, non-cancerous and painless growths that develop on the lining of the nasal passage and sinuses. They are shaped like teardrops, vary in size and can be yellowish-brown or pink in color. Polyps can grow in one nostril or both at the same time. You can have a single growth or they can occur in clusters. Individuals affected with nasal polyps usually experience chronic inflammation of the nasal passages lining and sinuses. Large polyps obstruct the nasal passages and sinuses causing accumulation of mucus while small polyps give no obvious signs and symptoms.

Diagnosing Nasal Polyps

Before getting nasal polyps treatment in Jupiter, FL, it is important to first make a proper diagnosis. At our clinic, you will have the doctors ask you a few questions related to the condition and then an examination will be performed. Nasal polyps may have no explicit symptoms but they are visible. Here are some tests that can be done to determine if you suffer from polyps:
  • Nasal Endoscopy – A doctor will insert a narrow flexible tube fitted with a small camera or magnifying lens and a light into the nasal passage. This way he or she will e able to examine the inside of your nose and sinuses to see if any abnormalities exist.
  • CT Scan – Computerized tomography scans help identify the size and location of polyps that are much deeper into your sinuses. The test allows the doctor to assess the severity of swelling and irritation. The scan can also show if the bone in the area is affected and if there are any other kinds of abnormalities such as cancerous growths or structural deformities. An MRI scan can also be used instead of a CT Scan.
  • Skin Prick Allergy Test – If it is suspected that an allergy may be contributing to the growth of polyps, an allergy test will be performed.to see if you react to certain allergens. The test involves making tiny pricks on the skin and then depositing liquid with a variety of allergens into the skin.
  • Vitamin D Test – The doctor may order for a blood test to check your Vitamin D levels. Low Vitamin D levels is often linked to nasal polyps.
  • Cystic Fibrosis Test – Children affected with nasal polyps usually have to test for cystic fibrosis, which is a genetic condition that affects glands responsible for producing tears, mucus, sweat and digestive juices. The standard test is a non-invasive sweat test to determine if the child’s sweat is saltier than what is considered normal.

Treatment Options for Nasal Polyps

The goal of treatment is to shrink the polyp’s growth and eventually eliminate them completely. The intervention used in each case will vary with the severity of the condition. Before commencing treatment, our doctors here in Jupiter, FL will discuss with you options available and formulate a technique that will work best. Here are some treatment options for nasal polyps:


Nasal corticosteroids spray

This medication enables the growth to shrink and reduces swelling. The dosage contains chemical properties that seek to neutralize the case that brings the swelling.

Oral and injectable corticosteroids

If after using the spray the symptoms may do not falter, your doctor may prescribe an oral drug such as prednisone. You can still combine it with the spray for effective results. Take note that some of the drugs may cause severe side effects and thus you can only take them for a limited time. In severe cases of polyps, injectable corticosteroids may be used instead of oral ones. If you suffer from a combination of polyps and chronic sinusitis, your doctor will administer a drug called Dupixent/ dupilumab. This will ease congestion and at the same time help reduce the size of the nasal polyps. In some cases, the doctor prescribes medicines to treat the conditions that result in the long-term swelling in the nasal passages and sinuses. It may include antihistamines for allergies and antibiotics for chronic infections.


If you do not respond well to all other treatments, you will need to undergo a surgery procedure to remove the polyps. The most common surgical procedure for removing the growths is called polypectomy. Local or general anesthesia is administered and then an endoscope is inserted into the nose and sinuses. The polyps are then cut using micro-telescopes and surgical equipment. In some cases, it may be necessary for the doctor to remove some small pieces of bone around the nose to help widen-up the nasal passageway. Even after undergoing nasal polyp’s surgery in Jupiter, FL, you will still have to continue with medication to deal with the inflammation and prevent the growths from recurring. Natural remedies such as tea-tree oil is also used in an attempt to shrink and eliminate nasal polyps.