At-Home Sleep Study
At-Home Sleep Study

Sleep is highly important to your overall health, which makes it our goal at South Florida ENT Associates to provide relief for several problems that may affect your sleep and other areas of life.

Sleep Apnea

Have you noticed that you seem to wake up to your own snoring? Is the family complaining about your loud noises during the night? If so, you may have obstructive sleep apnea. When this is present, the airways become blocked during sleep and disrupt your breathing. This can negative consequences on your health as well as other areas of life. Sleep apnea can be treated in our office, so give us a call today.

Nasal Surgery

If you find yourself in need of surgery, there is nothing to fear when visiting South Florida ENT Associates in Jupiter, FL. We perform several different procedures to correct sinus issues and other problems. We provide treatment for a deviated septum, sinusitis, and other conditions. We also do turbinate reductions, which opens the airways when they have become blocked by swollen turbinates, which are very small structures in the nose.

A rhinoplasty and nasal valve surgery are also available and involve using cartilage to add structure and prevent collapse. The procedure is often performed alongside a septoplasty, but it can be done on its own. There may be a minor change in the appearance of the nose after the procedure, mainly around the tip of the nose.

Throat Surgery

If you are in need of surgery for the throat, we use advanced technology and specialize in certain types of surgery, such as Uvulopalatopharygoplasties, palate coblation, tonsillectomies, and midline glossectomies. Uvulopalatopharygoplasties, or UPPPs, rearranges the tissues of the throat walls, palate, and uvula to increase the size of the airways. Palate coblation shrinks the soft palate, minimizing snoring. Tonsillectomies remove the tonsils in order to cure infections and treat sleep issues. Midline glossectomies are used in treating sleep apnea and blocks in the airways.

For more information about how we can help you sleep more soundly, call our office to speak with a friendly and knowledgable representative and schedule an appointment at our office.